October 2023#
Meeting with Kaeli, Wednesday Oct. 25#
To pracitce making plots, we will run pueoSim at a few different energies. Use the
flag to specify the energy. Run 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 each.idea: use
and do and job array?Make sure that each energy gets its own output file so the results are not overwritten.
Make plots using the output
files.These files contain neutrino properties such as
Inelasticity: how likely it is a neutrino is to interact; this lives in the domain [0,1]
Neutrino flavor
Neutrino direction
Number of neutrinos that passed
- weight#
dependent on position and direction…
See also
More on weight in this paper on IceMC
Make a weighted histogram of flavor (passing events only)
To make weighted histograms, we sum the weights in each bin instead of counts.
has a weighted histogram function which looks likeplt.hist(inelasticity, weights, my_weight
Make a weighted histogram of inelasticity (which lives between 0 and 1