October 2023#

Meeting with Kaeli, Wednesday Oct. 25#

  • To pracitce making plots, we will run pueoSim at a few different energies. Use the -e flag to specify the energy. Run 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 each.

    • idea: use sbatch and do and job array?

    • Make sure that each energy gets its own output file so the results are not overwritten.

  • Make plots using the output .root files.

    • These files contain neutrino properties such as

      • Inelasticity: how likely it is a neutrino is to interact; this lives in the domain [0,1]

      • Neutrino flavor

      • Neutrino direction

      • Number of neutrinos that passed

      • weight


dependent on position and direction…

See also

More on weight in this paper on IceMC


  • Make a weighted histogram of flavor (passing events only)

  • Make a weighted histogram of inelasticity (which lives between 0 and 1