February 2024#
Meeting with Kaeli, Thursday Feb. 6#
Poisson Error#
We talked about the error bar script. Specifically, the
See also
An important paper on this topic: Feldman and Counsins
Check if flight path indeed has an impact on the effective area
make simulations with Anita III config (flight path: 9) using the latest version of pueosim (Jan ‘24)
make simulations with Anita IV flight path (flight path: 8) using the latest version of pueosim (Jan ‘24)
make simulations with default config (flight path: 0, ie. balloon not moving) using the latest version of pueosim (Jan ‘24)
Plot the effective areas of above three along with the data from Dec. ‘22 that Kaeli sent me.

Fig. 2 Made with latest PueoSim (Jan 2024).#
Go over Will’s util scrtips.
Meeting with Kaeli, Tuesday Feb. 14#
software commit hash#
Date |
nicemc |
pueoSim |
libAntarcticaRoot |
Jan. 2023 |
e49c0559f1815512fb296b5bb6b314d95f2bb7bd (Apr. 29, 2023) |
Feb. 2023 |
no commit |
no commit |
March 2023 |
e49c0559f1815512fb296b5bb6b314d95f2bb7bd (Apr. 29, 2023) |
August 2023 |
6dc9447 |
total number thrown |
number passed |
number passed (weighted) |
Aug. ‘23, energy 21 |
10000 |
4047 |
0.517381 |
Aug. ‘23, energy 20 |
10000 |
1866 |
0.276859 |
Aug. ‘23, energy 19 |
40000 |
1508 |
0.205364 |
Aug. ‘23, energy 18.5 |
1000000 |
11486 |
1.5161 |
Aug. ‘23, energy 18 |
1000000 |
1655 |
0.121783 |
something is wrong, these number change every time I run the macro that counts passed events.
Feb 21 Edit: Cosmin told me that this has to do with multithreading, so I probably want to turn that off.

Fig. 3 Red stars are from August 2023 reproduction runs.#