Using RSync with Regex#

Here is an example of a useful command1 to download files from osc to your local machine:

``rsync --dry-run --progress -rv --prune-empty-dirs \
      osc:/fs/ess/PAS2608/Jason_test_runs/AIII* \
  • This will copy files that starts with “AIII” from the directory /fs/ess/PAS2608/Jason_test_runs on osc to the current directory .

  • This script assumes that you have set up your ssh config. Otherwise instead of osc you need to type in

    and maybe enter your password afterwards.

  • The --dry-run flag tells rsync to not actually copy the files yet. There will be a list (might take a while to generate) at the end of the dry run for you to see if all the desired files are included (or excluded in this case).

  • -r stands for recursive. -v stands for verbose (might be the same thing as --progress?)


See stackoverflow for more information.