questions to answer before next meeting
In the context of the field, what has been done before?
Beam test
A series of beam test experiments have demonstrated the Askaryan effect in various natural media…[Test T-486] probed the Askaryan effect in ice.
but why do the resulting showers have higher energy? (page 9)
In the context of the field, what is PUEO?
A more powerful version of ANITA, with more antennas and a better trigger.
“…imrpoves sensitivity by more than an order of magnitude at energies below 30 Eev.”
Why do we care?
“neutrinos are unimpeded as they make their way across the universe, carrying information about distant sources that is not accessible otherwise”
In other words, studying neutrino is currently one of the few options we have to study distant objects in the universe. In particular, PUEO is more capable of detecting transient astrophysical sources due to its large instantaneous aperture (ch 2.2).
- Beam-forming trigger#
Also known as phased-array trigger. The basic idea is that the waveforms of different channels are compared (phase-shifted) and then added so that noise cancel out while signals from an actual event would add coherently. “Beam” basically means “direction” (as in a beam of light).
For more information, see this ARA paper.