January 2024#
Meeting with Kaeli, Thursday Jan. 11#
Start attending talks at least once per week, pick from below:
Tuesday at noon - CCAPP seminar (overhang room, PRB 4th floor)
Tuesday 3:45 - Physics General Colloquium
Friday 11:15 - Astroparticle Lunch (Price Place)
PUEO simulation call (Wednesday 1:00, tentative)
individual meeting with Kaeli - Tuesday at 1:30
Effective Volume Plot#
Be sure to include units. For \(x\)-axis, use the following:
log(energy)[eV]Make \(y\)-axis log scaled.
Our systematic error is 20% (no need to include in the plot)
statistical error normally goes like \(1/\sqrt{N}\) but is more complicated for us; will deal with this next time.
Re-compute the effective volume!
Instead of what I did in Dec. 2023, do the following instead.Find out the (constant) total ice volume.
For each array-output, obtain the weighted number of passed neutrinos. Add these all up (ie. run1 passed + run2 passed + …)
Figure out the total number of neutrinos thrown.
Use the following to compute effective volume:
\[{\rm(ice\,volume)} \cdot (4\pi) \frac{\sum{\rm number\,passed\,(weighted)}}{\sum{\rm number\,thrown }}\]
Schedule 20 hours of research hours, put in calendar.
Read about LPM effect
Update the effective volume plot
Read the
GRA expectation document
Meeting with Kaeli, Tuesday Jan.16#
Energy Flux#
A good resource: ask question anonymously on Slack in the #idongetit channel.
Type"/abot #idontgetit message-content-here"
to ask an anonymous question.Slack
There is a question regarding single event sensitivity (SES) inside this channel. Give it a read.
The following is in the Appendix of the paper that Kaeli will send. \(i\) denotes the \(i\)th energy bin.
We will plot
\[E_i F(E_i) = \frac{n_i}{\Lambda_i \, \ln(10) {\rm d}\log_{10} E_i}\]where
\(E_i\) is the energy
\(n_i\) is the F-C
0 event corresponds to an F-C of 2.44
\(\ln(10)\) is there for normalization
d\(\log_{10}E\) is the energy bin width. For example, if we plot something versus energy and the energies are \(10^{18}\), \(10^{19}\), \(10^{20}\), and \(10^{21}\), then the log (base 10) of the bin width would just be 1.
\(\Lambda_i\) is the exposure.
- Exposure#
Efficiency \(\epsilon_i\) \(\times\) Effective Area \(A_i\) \(\times\) Time \(T_i\)
For simulation purposes, efficiency is 1.
Additionally, for PUEO, time is 30 days.
Effective Area#
To compute the effective area, recall that we cut corners by computing
\[ A_{\rm eff} = \frac{V_{\rm eff}}{l_{\rm int}}\]where \(l_{\rm int}\) is the interaction length.
- Interaction Length#
How much of the Earth a neutrino penetrates before interaction occurs. (we don’t know exactly what this value is for high energy neutrinos, but we have an estimate based on extrapolation from lower energy neutrinos).
- Single Event Sensitivity (SES)#
Add Single Event Sensitivity (SES) glossary
Check why my Root script is slow.
Make sure files are closed after opened.
Wed., Jan 17: Found a bug when counting the number of files for the e=18 simulation. Should be 1000 instead of 100. The end result didn’t change much on the log-log plot though.
I checked my
usage; pretty sure the memory is freed automatically the way I wrote it, so I’m not sure why the script is so slow…
Make an effective area versus energy plot
Here is a table of the averaged effective volume calcuated properly as described in Effective Volume Plot.
Table 9 Average Effective Volume # Energy [eV]
Effective Volume [km\(^3\) sr]
compared with Table 15, we see that there is not a huge difference. so I don’t think I made a mistake in calculating the effective volume.
Here is the effective area plot.
Fig. 1 No significant difference between the previous and new effective area.#
Make a flux versus energy plot
Read the [Upper Limit Paper]
Read about LPM effect
Meeting with Kaeli, Tuesday Jan.23#
Effective Volume Plot#
This time, include error bars.
Error-bar script from Kaeli
def AddErrors(all_weights):#the input is a numpy array of all the event weights, where each entry is an event
#set number of bins and max/min weights
bin_num = 10
max_weight = np.max(all_weights)
min_weight = np.min(all_weights)
#set bin values for weights
bin_values = np.linspace(min_weight,max_weight,bin_num)
#create arrays to hold both positive and negative errors
bin_error_p = np.zeros(bin_num)
bin_error_m = np.zeros(bin_num)
test_error = np.zeros(bin_num)
#Copy poisson errors from icemc:
poissonerror_minus=[0.-0.00, 1.-0.37, 2.-0.74, 3.-1.10, 4.-2.34, 5.-2.75, 6.-3.82, 7.-4.25, 8.-5.30, 9.-6.33, 10.-6.78, 11.-7.81, 12.-8.83, 13.-9.28, 14.-10.30, 15.-11.32, 16.-12.33, 17.-12.79, 18.-13.81, 19.-14.82, 20.-15.83]
poissonerror_plus=[1.29-0., 2.75-1., 4.25-2., 5.30-3., 6.78-4., 7.81-5., 9.28-6., 10.30-7., 11.32-8., 12.79-9., 13.81-10., 14.82-11., 16.29-12., 17.30-13., 18.32-14., 19.32-15., 20.80-16., 21.81-17., 22.82-18., 23.82-19., 25.30-20]
#histogram weights into bins
counts, bins =np.histogram(all_weights,bins=bin_values)
bin_centers = (bins[1:]+bins[:-1])/2.0
bin_width = bins[1]-bins[0]
#loop over bins:
for i, b in enumerate(bin_centers):
#if bin has less than 20 events, use poisson errors
this_pp = poissonerror_plus[counts[i]]
this_pm = poissonerror_minus[counts[i]]
#otherwise use sqrt(N)
this_pp = np.sqrt(counts[i])
this_pm = np.sqrt(counts[i])
#print('this pp pm is :',this_pp, this_pm)
#bin error is this error times the bin width
#this is just here to compare against what I thought icemc was doing originally (not used)
#total error is then added in quadrature
total_error_p = np.sqrt(np.sum(bin_error_p**2))
total_error_m = np.sqrt(np.sum(bin_error_m**2))
#again this is just a test to compare against icemc
total_test = np.sqrt(np.sum(test_error**2))
Fix the bug in my effective area plot
Do another run using the current version of PueoSim
Make a new effective area plot using all three sets of data.
Kaeli’s data is from Oct. 23
Send Kaeli the flux plot
go through the slides on reconstruction work in the database
updated effective area plot#

total number thrown |
number passed |
number passed (weighted) |
Nov. ‘23, energy 21 |
10000 |
4493 |
0.779606 |
Nov. ‘23, energy 20 |
10000 |
2029 |
0.423978 |
Nov. ‘23, energy 19 |
40000 |
1547 |
0.329987 |
Nov. ‘23, energy 18 |
1000000 |
1324 |
0.144887 |
Jan. ‘24, energy 21 |
10000 |
4900 |
0.766993 |
Jan. ‘24, energy 20 |
10000 |
2420 |
0.414757 |
Jan. ‘24, energy 19 |
40000 |
2110 |
0.567759 |
Jan. ‘24, energy 18 |
1000000 |
1889 |
0.272608 |