Using TTreeReader vs RDataFrame#
I eventually went back to using TTreeReader because
of a problem with using RDataFrame
. In the following script, I comment out
the Foreach
function call, whicih is the part that seems to be causing the problem.
RDataFrame Foreach
double count_passed_events_v2(TString file_prefix, int num_jobs){
// initialize TChain and loop through all subdirectories, adding root files to chain.
TChain chain("passTree");
for(int i=1; i<=num_jobs; i++){
TString file_name ("");
file_name.Form(file_prefix + "/run%d/IceFinal_%d_passTree1.root", i ,i);
RDataFrame df(chain);
double weighted_passed_count=0.;
// lambda expression that computes the weighted count
auto count = [&weighted_passed_count] (const double &w1, const double &w2, const double &w3){
weighted_passed_count += w1/(w2*w3);
// df.Foreach(count, {"event.neutrino.path.weight",
// "event.loop.positionWeight",
// "event.loop.directionWeight"});
return weighted_passed_count;
As soon as this is uncommented, the
script can only be run once. That is, it will work fine the first time when I
type root effar.C
where effar.C
calls count_passed_events_v2
, but in the
ROOT interactive mode, if I try to execute the script again using .x effar.C
, this
script leads to a segmentation fault. It seems like the seg-fault has to do
with the lambda expression, but I am not sure.
Ask about this on ROOT Forum.
Below is the full script in which, instead of RDataFrame
, I used TTreeReader
which does not seg-fault.
TTreeReader reader.Next()
double count_passed_events(TString file_prefix, int num_jobs){
// initialize TChain and loop through all subdirectories, adding root files to chain.
TChain *my_chain = new TChain("passTree");
for(int i=1; i<=num_jobs; i++){
TString file_name ("");
file_name.Form(file_prefix + "/run%d/IceFinal_%d_passTree1.root", i ,i);
TTreeReader reader(my_chain);
TTreeReaderValue<double_t> w1(reader, "event.neutrino.path.weight");
TTreeReaderValue<double_t> w2(reader, "event.loop.positionWeight");
TTreeReaderValue<double_t> w3(reader, "event.loop.directionWeight");
double weighted_passed_event_count;
while (reader.Next()) {
weighted_passed_event_count += *w1/(*w2 * *w3);
delete my_chain;
return weighted_passed_event_count;
void effar(){
const double ice_volume = 26859227.0607;
const double prefactor = ice_volume * 4 * M_PI;
const int e21_interaction_length = 141324./1e3;
const int e20_interaction_length = 267669./1e3;
const int e19_interaction_length = 528717./1e3;
const int e18_interaction_length = 1.10053e+06/1e3;
int num_jobs;
int nnt;
int energy;
TString file_path("");
nnt = 100;
energy = 21;
file_path.Form("../2023-12-21_nnt_%d_energy_%d",nnt, energy);
num_jobs = count_files(file_path);
double vol21 = prefactor * count_passed_events(file_path, num_jobs) / (nnt * num_jobs);
nnt = 100;
energy = 20;
file_path.Form("../2023-12-21_nnt_%d_energy_%d",nnt, energy);
num_jobs = count_files(file_path);
double vol20 = prefactor * count_passed_events(file_path, num_jobs) / (nnt * num_jobs);
nnt = 400;
energy = 19;
file_path.Form("../2023-12-21_nnt_%d_energy_%d",nnt, energy);
num_jobs = count_files(file_path);
double vol19 = prefactor * count_passed_events(file_path, num_jobs) / (nnt * num_jobs);
nnt = 1000;
energy = 18;
file_path.Form("../2023-12-21_nnt_%d_energy_%d",nnt, energy);
num_jobs = count_files(file_path);
double vol18 = prefactor * count_passed_events(file_path, num_jobs) / (nnt * num_jobs);
// -------------- Data -------------- //
double effar[4] = {vol21/(e21_interaction_length), vol20/(e20_interaction_length),
vol19/(e19_interaction_length), vol18/(e18_interaction_length) };
double e[4] = {1e21, 1e20, 1e19, 1e18};
double effar_old[8] = {0.0030019, 0.2665, 4.45, 18.89, 41.3415, 77.749,122.65, 169.992};
double e_old[8] = {3.17e+17, 1.01e+18, 3.21e+18, 1.009e+19, 3.205e+19, 1.017e+20, 1.19e+20, 1.013e+21};
// -------------- Drawing -------------- //
TCanvas * c = new TCanvas("","",1400,900);
auto mg = new TMultiGraph();
mg->SetTitle("Effective Area Comparison");
TGraph *gr = new TGraph(8, e_old, effar_old);
TGraph *gr_2 = new TGraph(4, e, effar);
mg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("energy [eV]");
mg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("effective area [km^{2} sr]");
TLegend * leg = new TLegend(0.2,0.75,0.4,0.9);
leg->AddEntry(gr, "previous data");
leg->AddEntry(gr_2, "data from my test run");
TString of_name = "../img/effective_area_plot.png";
It might be just in my head, but I think using TTreeReader
is slightly faster.
Time this.