How to Set up Github credentials on Linux/macOS#
As of August 13, 2021, You can no longer use your Github password for Git operations through
terminals. Additionally, PUEO does not allow access through personal access tokens.
Therefore, before interacting with any pueo repo, you must set up ssh
on your computer.
The following tutorial is based on this video.
Generating an SSH key in the terminal#
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C
is the email you use to register for Github.
The -t ed25519
option indicates that we will use this particular type of encryption for
the key.
Run the above command, press Enter if you wish to store the key at the default location. Press Enter} again if you want to skip making a passphrase.
Activate the SSH agent#
Run the following command
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
to start the ssh agent. The terminal should return something like
Agent pid 12889
Edit ssh config file#
Open/create an ssh configuration file through any text editor. For instance,
vim ~/.ssh/config
Put the following content in the configuration file:
Host *
AddKeysToAgent yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
(quit vim by pressing Esc, then :, then w+q.
Add Key to Agent#
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
Inform Github#
Go to Github SSH and GPG keys setting page and click on the “New SSH key” button on the top right corner. Enter whatever you want for the Title.
Now go back to the terminal and type
cat ~/.ssh/
is a command that reads the content of a text file.
Some (crazy) people rebinds the command to dog
Make sure you include the .pub
! It represents the public key.
Copy whatever cat
returns on your terminal to the Github page and click “Add SSH key”.
Github will ask for your password for confirmation.
Check that the key works through
ssh -T
(and enter yes
if the computer asks you whether or not to continue connecting to
Don’t worry about the -T
option. Basically, it suppresses some messages.
If you see a greeting message like
Hi XXX! You’ve successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
it means you have suceeded.