Install pueoBuilder#
This is the original guide
from Kaeli.
Installing on OSC#
installing Mamba (Conda)#
We use Mamba to manage packages and environments instead of Conda because it is much faster. It is possible to install Mamba through an existing Anaconda (or Miniconda) installation, but this method is not recommended by Mamba.
Instead, head over to the Mambaforge (aka Miniforge) distribution and download Mamba installation script through
wget ""
and run
to install the Linux x86_64 (amd64) version of Mambaforge (read the license agreement,
type yes
and press Enter)
Next, initialize Mamba through
mamba init bash
or if you use zshell,
mamba init zsh
This will set up your .bashrc
) file for mamba.
Mamba might ask you
Do you wish the installer to initialize Miniforge3 by running conda init? [yes|no]
and you should enter yes
You will need to exit the terminal and re-open for the change to take effect.
Once done, you should see (base)
showing up on your terminal prompt, indicating the base
environment is active.
If not, try entering
You can confirm that you have an environment called “base” by entering the command
conda info --env
You may delete the installation script through
Next, you would want to install conda-devenv
mamba install conda-devenv
. You can find the documentation for conda-devenv
create PUEO environment#
Next, we will create an environment using mamba
Using vim
or any editor, create a text file called pueo.devenv.yml
containing the following:
name: pueo_env
- conda-forge
- defaults
- fftw
- root
PUEO_BUILD_DIR: /users/PASxxxx/${USERNAME}/pueo/usr
PUEO_UTIL_INSTALL_DIR: /users/PASxxxx/${USERNAME}/pueo/usr/install
NICEMC_SRC: /users/PASxxxx/${USERNAME}/pueo/usr/components/nicemc
NICEMC_BUILD: /users/PASxxxx/${USERNAME}/pueo/usr/build/components/nicemc
PUEOSIM_SRC: /users/PASxxxx/${USERNAME}/pueo/usr/components/pueoSim
Change PASxxxx/${USERNAME} to where your home directory is located!
In the terminal, type cd ~
to go back to your home directory, and create a pueo
through mkdir -p ~/pueo
Put the pueo.devenv.yml
file inside your pueo folder and enter the folder: cd ~/pueo
Make sure that (base)
is active. If not, run conda activate base
Next, create a new environment called pueo_env
mamba-devenv -f pueo.devenv.yml
It is important that you run mamba-devenv
and not conda-devenv
or mamba devenv
Anything that is not mamba-devenv
seems to be exceedingly slow on OSC
The above command creates a conda environment with required packages and environment variables
(such as ${PUEO_BUILD_DIR}
). Activate this new environment through
conda activate peuo_env
(or mamba activate pueo_env
installing cmake#
OSC has cmake already installed. To use cmake version 3.11.4, run
module load cmake/3.11.4
and check that the version is activated through cmake --version
clone the pueoBuilder repository#
Refer to How to Set up Github credentials on Linux/macOS to set up your GitHub credentials.
Make sure that the
environment is ~/pueo
and then clone the pueoBuilder repository throughgit clone ./usr
This would put every file in the pueoBuilder repository inside a newly created folder called
.Create a folder inside
throughmkdir ~/pueo/usr/install
and enter the following command:./
pueoSim test run#
Create a temporary folder in your home directory through
mkdir ~/temp
and head over to to the pueoBuilder directory cd ~/pueo/usr
. Start a test run through
./build/components/pueoSim/simulatePueo -i pueo.conf -o ~/temp -r 420 -n 50
where i
stand for i
utput files, r
is the run number (just a name) and
is the number of n
Once the run is complete, you should see a bunch of root files in the temporary folder.
Congratulations, you have completed pueoSim installation!
Installing on Fedora Linux#
See Installing on OSC. The steps are pretty much the same.
Fedora most like already has CMake installed. If not, run
sudo dnf install cmake
to install cmake. You need your password for this.
Alternatively, refer to CMake section in the original document Install pueoBuilder to compile CMake.
Installing on macOS#
I haven’t figure out how to do this. Maybe it is easier to install Asahi Linux on Mac and then run through all the steps in Installing on OSC.