Learning ROOT#
My First Root Plot#

Fig. 12 my neutrino flavor plot for run 1 out of 100.#
I wrote a root-macro script to generate my neutrino flavor plot for run 1 out of 100., which is to be compared with the neutrino flavor plot for run 1 out of 100, generated using TBrowser..

Fig. 13 neutrino flavor plot for run 1 out of 100, generated using TBrowser.#
The script (plotter.cpp
) is as follows:
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TH1F.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// The lines above are not needed to run the macro but are included here so that my neovim
// Lsp can find the types such as TH1F. Note: also note that a compile_flags.txt file that has
// the proper include path, for example mine is -I/usr/include/root, is required for the Lsp
// to find the header files.
//method name has to match file name
void plotter() {
// ptr for pointer
TFile *file_ptr = new TFile("2023-11-09_nnt_100.0_energy_21/run1/IceFinal_1_allTree.root","read");
TCanvas *c1_ptr = new TCanvas();
// file_ptr->Get("allTree") returns the address of allTree
// but this needs to be casted to the correct type, which is done by
// the (TTree*) part.
TTree *tree_ptr = (TTree*)file_ptr->Get("allTree");
// Alternatively, this first TTree *tree_ptr could have been auto *tree_ptr,
// in which case we wouldn't need the casting.
int flavor; // neutrino flavor
// assigning the variable flavor above to the corresponding var. stored inside the root file
// in this case the variable's name is eventSummary.neutrino.flavor
// this particular root file contains 100 neutrinoes, so num_entries should be 100.
int num_entries = tree_ptr->GetEntries();
// 4 bins, x start:0, x end: 4
TH1F *hist_ptr = new TH1F("my_histogram", "histogram_title", 4, 0 ,4);
for (int i=0; i<num_entries; i++){