The PUEO Science Program#

Air shower#

Consider the case where a \(\tau\)-neutrino gives birth to a \(\tau\)-lepton in ice, which travels for a distance and then decays in air. Charges will be produced in air, and because of the magnetic field of the Earth, geomagnetic emission takes place, and radio signal can be detected by the payload.

This term also refers to in-air showers caused by cosmic rays, which produce radio waves that are horizonally polarized.

Cosmogenic Neutrinos#

” …chemical composition at Earth is still uncertain.”

ie. We are not certain about the chemical composition of cosmic rays detected at Earth. It could be mostly protons or heavier nucleus (eg. iron).

“…leading to significant uncertainties in predicted cosmogenic neutrino fluxes…”

ie. If UHECR consists mostly of protons, then more neutrinos would be generated.




The [dimensionless] unit of solid angle in SI units, much analogous to radian, which quantifies planar angles (Wikipedia).

“… will either detect cosmogenic neutrinos or rule out scenarios where the UHECRs contain a sizable proton component, their sources reach extreme maximum acceleration energies, and/or are more populous at large redshifts.”

Uniform source class#

This refers to the assumption that cosmic ray sources are more or less homogeneous in space and in time.

UHE Astrophysical Neutrinos#


Gamma-ray burst.


Flat-spectrum radio quasars are objects with emission-line dominated spectra.


A quasar is an extremely luminous AGN. It is sometimes know as a quasi-stellar object, or QSO. Wikipedia

“Depending on the number of sources and their distances, the flux from astrophysical neutrinos may appear diffuse or may be resolvable with stacking searches.”

diffuse meaning?

stacking searches meaning?